The guitar is one of the best instruments for beginners to learn. If you’re interested in learning the guitar, you may wonder what the best way to take on the instrument is and how you can do it quickly and effectively.
Learning to play the guitar, no matter what method is used, takes time and practice, but it is also an exciting and fun experience. You may need to consider other things when learning a new instrument, such as what type of guitar (acoustic guitar vs. electric guitar ), what some of your favorite songs entail, and the kind of music that you want to play.
Depending on your goal, the way you learn guitar can vary. Here is a great guide to learning the best way to play guitar that can help you become a novice guitar player.
The Best Way to Learn to Play Guitar
There’s no way around it: If you want to self-teach, you’ll end up taking more time and possibly picking up bad habits from other guitar players who didn’t have proper instruction. Investing in guitar lessons is by far the best method for learning the guitar properly and quickly.
But, every individual is different and learns in their own manner, so it can actually be more helpful to combine different ways of learning. Experimenting with ways to learn the guitar, such as working with an instructor, watching online videos, or reading beginner guitar books, can all provide some assistance.
You should also invest in a guitar if you’re going to learn to play so that you can practice on your own. Plenty of cheap guitars are available online, but you may want to consult with an expert, such as your instructor, before making the purchase.
When it comes to taking guitar lessons, players have some options with their guitar teachers and the way that they learn. The learning process can be different for students, so it’s important to assess what can help you learn to play guitar in the best way.
6 Ways to Learn to Play Guitar
As mentioned, taking guitar lessons is the best way to learn to play. However, this can also depend on your learning style. There are specific things to consider, such as whether you’re a young student or an adult student. As a beginner learning the guitar, there are options for taking lessons.
1. Private Lessons
Taking private, in-home guitar lessons with an instructor is one way that lessons are executed. Private guitar lessons involve one-on-one work, usually in person, with an instructor. Your practice session can vary, depending on your instructor and where they have expertise.
With private lessons, you can allow your instructor to help you learn about the instrument, study sheet music, and understand scales, strings, and other advanced techniques as you progress in your studies. While you can try and teach yourself, if you don’t have a good understanding of the guitar or the discipline to practice with intent, working with an instructor is the best way to learn.
2. Online Lessons
Online lessons are another way to learn. You have some options with online lessons, whether you work with an instructor through video conference or purchase an online course that incorporates lessons for you to learn at your own pace.
With online lessons, guitarists may need to invest in sheet music, such as chord charts, to help them along. You can also find references in certain online articles that can help you. The good news is, with online guitar lessons you can have your choice of instructor or course, so you can easily find a way to take lessons that suit your learning style.
For example, if you’re a visual learner, you might consider purchasing an online guitar lesson with videos. If you work with an instructor, you can be educated in certain other aspects, like the best position for playing that won’t strain you. And in other courses, it may be helpful to read an article or two to help you get started.
3. YouTube Tutorials
As a visual learner of the guitar, you may want more available free resources to help you learn to play. There are a vast amount of online beginner guitar tutorials on YouTube that you can watch to help you get started. Many of these free videos can help guide you through the learning process in a way that helps you learn best.
These tutorials can help you get started with putting the correct fingers on strings to create guitar chords. You can likely find beginner tutorials for your skill level. When you’re ready, you can peruse YouTube video tutorials for new songs that you want to learn as you advance your technique and master the instrument.
4. Printed Resources
Songbooks or guitar chord books are also an excellent way to help you learn the guitar as a beginner. You may need to take some lessons or learn music theory fundamentals before diving into these other printed resources so that you have a better understanding of how to apply them in practice.
There are many various printed resources, so you can easily locate a beginner guitar book that can help you learn all about the guitar, some music theory, basic guitar chords, and progressions. If you go to a local music shop, you can speak to someone there about what kind of guitar learning materials are available and ask for recommendations.
Some stores may have books with guitar tabs, which is a way to read chords and keys in which to play. It’s a good idea to have some knowledge of your skill level when investing in printed resources that you know will help grasp the simple things surrounding learning guitar.
5. Guitar Apps
Yes, there’s an app for that too! Go to your mobile device’s app store and check out the different apps you can download for learning to play the guitar.
You might want to first do research to determine what kinds of apps are out there and may work best for your learning style. Read reviews from people who were also beginners to get a good idea of what apps you should experiment with first. Some may provide a free trial to get you started in learning things like the C-chord before you have to purchase. Google Play, for example, has plenty of catalogs for guitar tabs to play chords and more.
6. Online Communities and Forums
Reaching out to others is yet one last way that can help you to learn the guitar. Consider consulting with other guitarists for advice on things like proper right hand placement, or what folk songs you can cover without needing to purchase royalties.
There are plenty of online forums and communities that have a plethora of good information to learn the guitar. The only trick with them is ensuring you have the time to sift through all of it and pick out what you need to learn.
Things to Consider Before Learning Guitar
It’s crucial to be realistic with yourself when taking on learning the guitar. In order to be a good guitarist and benefit from your learning, you should consider some necessary things.
Level of Commitment
How much time can you commit to practice? In some cases, you may have a great teacher, but if you’re not putting in any time to learn, you’re not going to progress.
Assess your level of commitment to learning so that you’re not discouraged if you can’t pick it up quickly. Ask yourself questions such as:
- Do I want to learn the guitar for fun or to play professionally/locally?
- How much time can I dedicate to regular practice each day/week?
- What are my expectations when learning new skills?
- How well do I understand music notation and theory?
If you’re working with an instructor, you may want to discuss how quickly you’re hoping to pick up basic chords and what your main reasons for learning are so that you can be more focused on meeting your objectives.
Don’t just find a teacher; make sure that the teacher you locate will help you reach your goals. Determine what you want to learn and find an instructor who will ensure you get there—just don’t forget that you need to make an effort on your part, too!
Learning Style
Identifying your learning style is also a good way to ensure that you can locate the best way to pick up the guitar. For instance, it can take far less time to get you playing if you know music theory, have a few guitar chords under your belt, and know how to properly hold a guitar pick.
Knowing whether you have the discipline to self-teach through YouTube tutorials or work with an instructor is also part of your learning style. Perhaps you are on the more studious side and can work with a teacher and practice on your own time with a beginner’s guitar book.
Whatever your learning style, be sure to utilize it for practicing. If you’re not clear on your best learning style, taking private guitar lessons will ensure that your teacher can help you identify and enhance your particular strengths to help you progress more quickly.
The last thing you need to be clear on is just how much you want to invest in your learning. Do you have a budget set for buying a guitar and possibly paying for weekly lessons?
Maybe you want to evaluate your level of interest by first going through some free resources before committing to a financial level. You should have a number in mind of how much you’re willing to spend and whether you can afford things like online courses, music books, and guitar lessons.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You may still have questions about the best way to learn guitar. Read through the FAQs below, and feel free to contact us with your questions about learning to play the guitar.
Is It Possible to Learn Guitar Totally Online?
The easy answer is yes, absolutely you can learn guitar totally online. If you have access to a guitar and can invest in online lessons, it is totally possible to learn the guitar this way.
It’s important to note that without proper instruction, you may develop your own method of doing certain things, such as chord changes or your sitting position when playing. These things may become habits, which could actually hinder your progress and your learning, so working with a professional instructor is key.
Can I Teach Myself to Play Guitar?
Again, yes, you can learn the guitar yourself with the help of online resources, a beginner guitar book, or even by working with a fellow guitarist. If you have a knack for picking up instruments and plucking out chords or notes, you may be able to do the same with a guitar.
It’s essential that you assess your commitment so that you can discipline yourself to learn and stay on the right track. You may be very zealous about learning the guitar, but if you get stuck or find yourself struggling with certain elements or aspects, you can easily lose interest and stop practicing.
It’s highly recommended to work with someone who can help keep you motivated with your learning and give you practical lessons to reach goals one at a time. Trying to jump right into learning your favorite songs is not even how the best guitar players learned to play.
Is 30 Minutes a Day Enough to Learn Guitar?
You get out of learning what you put into it, and any great guitarist can tell you the same. If you only have 30 minutes to practice each day, it will obviously take you longer to learn than if you could dedicate, say, a whole hour each day.
That being said, you can still absolutely benefit from dedicating a small amount of time, such as thirty minutes, to your practice. If you commit to that time and continue to do it every day, you’ll see yourself become more advanced and, over the years, an expert guitar player.
Learn The Guitar For Yourself
There are plenty of options for learning and taking Guitar Lessons in NYC. As mentioned, finding the best way to learn guitar for yourself requires some assessment.
Understanding how you learn best, whether it is through video or visual demonstration, books, apps, or online resources, you can benefit most from working with an instructor who is an expert in the instrument. It’s crucial to know that learning about the guitar and eventually mastering your favorite songs takes time, dedication, and practice.
Experiment with varying learning styles and find a great teacher to help you progress in your skills. Before you know it, you’ll be a good guitar player and have the ability to take on another instrument with confidence!